| |
The TRAVIS LEWIN collection contains many illegals - over
1000 of them. You can view it here.
In addition to the chips listed further down the page I have a number of
further illegals available. Most recent finds are shown at the top.
Email me
to order any of these extra chips - all prices stated INCLUDE shipping.
24. 400 Club (same details as #12 below). Chips have denoms on
reverse - 5c, 10c, 25c, $1, $5. Set of 5 for $30 shipped.
Picture here.
23. Little Peabody, Memphis, TN. Black chip is $100 on reverse,
others same both sides. Set of 3 for $30 shipped.
Picture here.
22. Norm Bobs Anchor Inn, Estero Island, FL. 4 colors available.
$9 each shipped. Set of 4 for $32 shipped.
Picture here.
21. 86 Tavern, Lebanon, OR. 4 colors available. $7 each
shipped. Set of 4 for $25 shipped.
Picture here.
20. Four new finds, all with research articles.
Picture of all here.
RMC (Lee's Tavern, Evansville, IN) - $11 each or $20 for the pair. -
article here
SC (Southern Club, Amarillo, TX) - $10 each or $18 for the pair. -
article here
TVW (Salon de Venus, Phoenix, AZ) - set of 4 for $28 -
article here
GG, G & WJH (Yukon Club, Port Arthur, TX) - set of 6 for $55 (only GG
harp and -G- available now, $8 each) -
article here
19. Nite Owls Club, Pittsburgh, PA as
detailed here (with pictures)
Two different $1 chips available at $10 each shipped (top left chip is sold
out). Three non-denoms
available for $7 each shipped. Set of 5 for $37 shipped.
18. McCall Garden, McCall, Idaho as
detailed here (with pictures)
Yellow chips $15 each shipped. Off-white (worn) chips $10 each shipped.
Red and blue are sold out.
17. 12 different Washington illegal chips as
detailed here (with pictures)
The chips with the red dot are available. $6 each shipped or all 12
chips for $37 shipped.
16. Mixed lot of 15 chips as
detailed here (with pictures)
Evergreen Tavern, Washougal, WA. Delivered in 1946 when gambling was illegal
in Washington. JEG chips are $10 each. EVW $8 each or $15 the pair. Set of all 3
for $23.
Hyde Park Club, Venice, IL
JWR small key mold chips - $7 each. JWR diamond mold I have only one
chip - SOLD OUT. Log Cabin, 146 S. Main St. Memphis, TN
ALB treyball mold (chip also exists in hub mold but I dont have
those) I only have 3 of these - $10 each.
Yale Street Tavern, 2725 Yale St., Houston, TX
FD in horseshoe hub chips dark red - shipped there in 1938 - $8
each shipped
Elite Restaurant, 2208 Ave. D, Galveston, TX
EL hub chips shipped there in 1934 - $8 each shipped
Arabi Social Club
ASC (not SAC) delivered to Arabi in 1955.
Red, Blue or Green are $8 each
I only have 5 of the black available so they are only available in a
set of 4 colors for $35
BC hub delivered to Bob Coley, Hazlehurst, MS way back in 1933
3 of these available - SOLD OUT
RTM hubs overstamped CARLS Club. Delivered to Ray T. Mangum, San
Francisco, in 1939. Must have been a decent game order was for
11,000 chips! I have 5 yellow (purple are SOLD OUT) - $8 each.
1. Herron Cafe, Corbin KY -
detailed here - HC - $10 each
2. Simones Billiard/Syracuse Club, Syracuse NY -
detailed here - SYR - $8 each
3. Moonlight Gardens, Kanakee IL -
detailed here - CD - $7 each
4. Mixed KY, TX, IL & IN -
detailed here - picture here
I have the following still available - CRG - $10. KASEY CLUB - $10.
RM - $7. BD - $7. XXX - $5 (or free of you spend $25). GGC -
$10. C-C (yellow and red) - $10 each or $17 for the pair. All 8 of
these for $55.
5. Hi De Ho Club, Wilder KY -
detailed here - set of 3 - $44. - picture
6. Mixed AZ, OR & TN - detailed
here and
- picture here
I have the
following still available - CDK (black) - $7. CCS/PAN - $6.
CSC - $6. ALB - $7
7. Clover Club, Portland ME -
detailed here - I have white $1s and red $5s only - $10 each -
picture here
8. Mixed lot of 11 chips as follows: -
picture here
CW ($25) hub Freemans Bars, Evanston, Wyoming (1946) $8
MSC hub Muskogee Social Club, New York City (1930) $7
Pic Star ($5) lgcrn Private J D Franklin, Btry B, 250th CA, Seattle WA
(1942) big order but only 12 of the orange $5s in 2,000 chip order
First Ave hub First Ave Club, Maywood, IL (1939) $10
S.C. raised circle Senrab Club, Chicago, IL $8
BG smkey 2 colors Beach Grove Roadhouse, Jeffersonville, IN green
$12, pink $7 (these are poor condition)
DTS/STD hub 2 colors Hotel Akron, Akron, OH blue $12, yellow $8
UB diamond 2 colors Ulm Bar, Ulm, Montana (1940s) $6 each
9. The Spinx - San Francisco, CA -
detailed here - $30 - picture here
10. W J Willis, Denver CO -
detailed here - $14 for set of 4. -
picture here
11. City Club/FOE, Baytown TX -
detailed here - FOE - $7 each or $25 for set of 4. BGW - $7 -
picture here
12. 400 Club (((Harrys New York Bar), Chicago IL -
detailed here - yellow chip - $6, red chip - $10 -
picture here
13. Decatur Illinois. History of various chips
The following chips are still available - HS (orange hub - $10, green
hub - $7, green cord - $10). O&C - $8. OCC - $10.
14. Lakewood Country Club, Lakewood NJ - XYZ (yellow and brown)
- $8 each - picture here.
15. Sepia Club and associated chips. The history of these
chips and attribution of their usage in both KY and OR is
detailed here.
The following chips are still available - SEPIA (blue - $7, white -
$12, pink - $10). COC - $8. L&G, WS, BJE (both colors) and
B<>E (all three colors) all - $7 each. The R chip will be included
free with any order from this lot.
Illegal Club Chips
(click on pictures to see full size images, chips not listed in any specific order)
Many of the
manufacturers record cards detailing delivery of the chips shown here can be
found on
our illegal records website.
Contact me if you need further proof of ID's quoted. Latest
acquisitions shown at top. |
Dewey's Club, Biloxi, MS (early 1960s) |
ND Yellow ZigZag Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL331
ND Blue ZigZag Mold (worn)
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL332
ND Pink ZigZag Mold (very worn)
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL333
ND White ZigZag Mold (very worn)
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL334
Alpine Club, Ketchum, ID (1938)
here for further information |
ND Green GMH Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL321
ND Brown GMH Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL322
ND Pink GMH Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL323
Black Cat Billiard Parlor, Effingham, IL (1953) |
ND Red HCH T Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL311
Paramount Night Club, Centralia, IL (1940/47) |
ND Blue PC in square Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL301
ND Yellow PC in square Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL302
ND White PC in square Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL303
Clinton County Trades & Labor Council,
Frankfort, IN (Kenneth Snider) |
50c CTC Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL291
$1.00 CTC Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL292
Premier Club, Kansas City, MO |
ND Red P in circle Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL281
Jerome Hotel, Hammond, IN (J Barnett) |
ND Brown JP T Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL271
Kennel Club, Desoto County, MS |
ND Red KENNEL RectHrt Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL261
Cave Tangi, Tangipahoa Parish, LA |
ND Brown DSW Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL251
Ron Raven, Elkhart, IN |
$1.00 Macau Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL241
$5.00 Macau Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL242
$25.00 Macau Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL243
Eldorado Club, Desoto County, MS |
ND Yellow JJJ HCE Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL231
ND White JJJ HCE Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL232
No club name known (but local Chicago) |
$1.00 S&M T Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL221
4807 Club, Cicero, IL (John T. Varlas) |
ND Red JVT T Mold (Damaged)
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL211
ND Yellow JV T Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL212
Southland Club, Chicago, IL |
ND Red SLC Monarch Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL201
4020 Club, Cicero, IL |
ND Cream 4020 Monarch Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL191
ND Green 4020 Monarch Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL192
ND Yellow 4020 Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL193
Rock Garden Club, Cicero, IL |
ND Yellow RCG Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL181
44 Club, Chicago, IL |
ND Yellow 44 Cord Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL171
ND Brown 44 Cord Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL172
Hotel Parkway, Knoxville, TN (Stanley
Mynhier - 1952 & 1955) |
$1.00 IH Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL161
$5.00 IH Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL162
$25.00 IH Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL163
B. Anderson, Phoenix, AZ (1931) |
ND White EOM Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL151
ND Blue EOM Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL152
ND Red EOM Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL153
Vernon J. Kirkwood, Prairie City, OR (1952) |
ND Green VJK Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL141
ND Red VJK Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL142
ND Yellow VJK Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL143
ND Blue VJK Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL144
American Veterans. (Chicago Post #4) |
ND Black CHIVET'S Rectl Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL131
ND Brown CHIVET'S Rectl Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL132
ND Green CHIVET'S Rectl Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL133
ND Pink CHIVET'S Rectl Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL134
ND Blue CHIVET'S Rectl Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL135
ND White CHIVET'S Plain Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL136
Southland Hotel, Dallas, TX. (Benny Binion) |
ND Red ASM Harp Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL121
$1.00 White SMB Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL122
ND Yellow Fortuna Buena Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL123
ND Red Fortuna Buena Hub Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL124
Sylcree Club & Southern Belle, Five Points,
Click here for further information. |
ND Black Sylcree Rectl Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL111
ND Brown Sylcree Rectl Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL112
ND White Sylcree Rectl Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL113
50c White Sylcree SmKey Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL114
ND Red SC SmKey Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL115
ND Green SC SmKey Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL116
ND Yellow RWW Hourglass Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL117
ND Red RWW Hourglass Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL118
ND White S SmKey Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL119
ND White BG T Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL119a
ND White BG T Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL119b
Club Rio Vista, Owensboro, KY. |
$1.00 RV T Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL101
$5.00 RV T Mold
Code for non-shopping cart orders: IL105